The Ashland Free Medical Clinic provides non urgent and non-emergency primary care services for uninsured individuals who cannot afford the cost of medical care. We offer remote visits by phone or video every Saturday morning from 8 am to 11 am to established patients. In person on-site visits are available at the Clinic location every other week. Physical therapy services are available during in-person clinics. In addition to the medical care, optometry and mental health services are available once each month. We have recently launched coverage (by referrals) for routine dental care and critical dental issues impacting general health. Please see the clinic schedule for details.

Examples of some conditions that we treat:

  • Diabetes

  • Sore throat / Cough / Cold / Flu

  • Ear infections / Wax (cerumen) impactions in the ears

  • Skin conditions

  • Urine/bladder infections

  • High blood pressure / High cholesterol

  • Heartburn

  • Children with dermatologic and ENT (ear, nose, throat) conditions

  • Mental health conditions like stress, depression, and anxiety

  • Eye conditions / Vision exams for prescriptions

  • Physical therapy 

  • Dental care - Preventive and issues impacting general health

Examples of conditions that we cannot treat: 

  • Emergency procedures of any kind

  • Trauma or injuries that need x-rays

  • Bleeding problems

  • Immunizations, TB (tuberculosis bacillus) test, OB/GYN

  • Disability, DMV (Division of Motor Vehicles), physical examination clearance forms, insurance forms

  • Patients needing urgent labs

  • Conditions requiring imaging - MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) / CT (computed tomography)

  • Pap smears

  • STD (sexually transmitted disease) / STI  (sexually transmitted infection) - Refer these patients to Planned Parenthood clinic or the County Health Department 

  • STD screening 

Individuals seeking to establish care at AFMC will need to complete our financial pre-screening process over the phone to determine they meet the eligibility criteria for the Clinic. For those who walk-in, the financial eligibility screening will be done at the Clinic.  Upon being qualified to be seen at the clinic, and depending on the urgency of your condition as well as the number of physicians and nurse practitioners available, you may be seen the same day or scheduled for an appointment in the future. Follow up visits will be done by appointment only. 

Legal residency in the USA is not a pre-requisite to getting care at AFMC.